Square Stand Mount Self-ordering

How to Setup Square Stand Mount as Kiosk in your Store

Do you consider installing a Square Stand Mount as a kiosk? focusing on location choice, securing the mount, and technical setup including peripherals connection. This post highlights kiosk mode's benefits in self-service and efficiency, concluding with staff training and troubleshooting tips for a smooth operation.

March 16, 2024

Dimitar Stevchev - Marketing Team

Regardless of your restaurant's style, kiosk ordering presents a significant opportunity to boost revenue. While many consumers are shifting towards online orders, numerous restaurants are exploring the potential of in-store self-ordering kiosks, particularly those integrated with Square Stand Mounts

Choosing the Optimal Location for Your Square Stand Kiosk

Selecting the ideal spot for your Square Stand Kiosk is crucial in maximizing customer engagement and operational efficiency. The Angled Wall Mount is perfect for high-traffic areas, offering visibility at eye level while saving floor space. A Flat Wall Mount aligns the kiosk flush against the wall, ideal for narrow spaces and corridors, ensuring it's unobtrusive yet accessible. For businesses with available counter space, the Countertop Mount is a versatile option, allowing easy interaction for both staff and customers. Lastly, the Standalone Mount, fixed on a pole, offers flexibility in placement and can be moved to optimize customer flow and accessibility. Each approach caters to different spatial and customer interaction needs, ensuring your kiosk serves its purpose effectively.

Square Stand Mounts Optimal Locations

Setting Up and Customizing Orda Express for Self-Ordering Kiosk

You will need to install Orda Express to add customized ordering features to Square's payment hardware. Setting up and customizing your self-ordering kiosk with Orda Express transforms the customer experience by aligning it seamlessly with your brand's mobile app and online ordering system. Orda Express, available at Orda Express Stand, stands out as the premier software solution for designing intuitive and user-friendly kiosk interfaces. With its robust drag-and-drop tools, Orda Express empowers you to tailor the kiosk's behavior and appearance, ensuring a consistent and cohesive brand experience across all digital touchpoints. This level of customization not only enhances the user's interaction with the kiosk but also ensures that the self-ordering process is as efficient and enjoyable as using your mobile app or website. By leveraging Orda Express, you're not just setting up a kiosk; you're extending your brand's presence and enhancing customer engagement in a tangible, interactive way.

Kiosk Design

Designing the Welcome Screen: Key Considerations

You can design your welcome screen with Orda Express. The welcome screen of your kiosk is the first point of interaction between the customer and your restaurant's self-service system. It's crucial to design this interface with careful consideration to ensure it is inviting, intuitive, and reflective of your brand. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Clarity and Simplicity: The welcome message should be clear and straightforward, guiding the customer on how to begin their order. Avoid cluttering the screen with too much information, which can overwhelm users.

  2. Branding: The welcome screen is an excellent opportunity to reinforce your brand. Incorporate your restaurant's logo, colors, and thematic elements to create a familiar and welcoming environment.

  3. Visual Appeal: Use high-quality images and attractive designs to catch the eye and engage customers. Consider using mouth-watering images of your best-selling items to entice orders.

  4. Language and Tone: Ensure the language used on the welcome screen matches your brand's voice, whether it's formal, casual, or playful. This helps in creating a consistent experience across all customer touchpoints.

Training Staff and Addressing Common Technical Issues for Seamless Kiosk Usage

In the transition to incorporating self-ordering kiosks into your business, staff training and the management of technical issues play pivotal roles in ensuring a smooth adaptation for both employees and customers. Your staff should not only be well-versed in the functionalities of the kiosk but also adopt a concierge-like role in the initial stages, guiding customers in navigating the new system. This approach not only eases the transition for consumers but also fosters a supportive and educational environment, encouraging customer engagement with the new technology.

Emphasizing the Role of Staff as Store Concierges

Training should focus on empowering employees to confidently assist customers, highlighting the importance of patience and clear communication. Employees should be familiar with every aspect of the kiosk's operation, from basic navigation to troubleshooting common issues. By doing so, they can effectively educate customers on using the kiosk, thereby enhancing the overall customer experience and encouraging repeat usage.

Proactive Troubleshooting and Technical Preparedness

Part of the training should also cover common technical problems that may arise and how to resolve them swiftly. This includes issues such as screen freezes, unresponsive touchscreens, and payment processing errors. Staff should be equipped with a set of troubleshooting steps for each scenario and know when to escalate the problem to technical support teams.

Continuous Education and Feedback Loops

Continuous education and feedback are vital. As customers and staff grow accustomed to the kiosk, observing and collecting feedback on their interaction can offer insights into potential improvements or additional training needs. Regular updates and refresher courses for staff can help address these evolving requirements, ensuring that the kiosk system remains an asset rather than a hindrance.

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