Instagram Mobile app

5 Instagram Posts Ideas to Promote Your Mobile Ordering App

Managing an Instagram brand account for your restaurant or coffee shop isn't easy.. See this 5 Ideas for Instagram Post about Your Mobile Ordering App. You can use this for your own customers

January 17, 2022

Christine Davis - Marketing Director

Managing an Instagram brand account for your restaurant or coffee shop isn't easy. It's an ongoing juggle of posting at the perfect time, engaging on the fly and coming up with new ideas to beat the algorithm. You don't need to break what's working for you, but if you're needing a little extra inspiration to refresh your approach, it's always a good idea to try out some new types of Instagram posts and Stories.

But even great images and videos can fall short of expectations if you're a slouch in the Instagram captions department. The words that accompany your graphics are a key component of building a brand on the network, and especially forming a connection with fans and followers.

Creative video

A great Instagram caption will stop a scroller in their tracks — and the longer someone spends reading your caption and engaging with your post, the better your post will rank with the Instagram algorithm!

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Not forgetting that a good Instagram caption with an effective call-to-action (CTA) is one of the best ways to inspire your followers to comment on your posts. And that means even more engagement on your account.

Show Apple and Goole

In its simplest form, a good Instagram caption is one that provides context, adds personality, and inspires your followers to take action.

Promote your delivery options

To help you start writing good Instagram captions that convert readers into loyal, engaged followers, we're sharing our top tips!

Making the first part of your Instagram caption super-engaging and enticing is a sure-fire way to boost the amount of time people spend viewing your post.

Showcase your stores

If you want more engagement on your posts, all you have to do is ask!

Add a call-to-action to your Instagram captions like "double tap if you agree", or ask a personal question to encourage more comments on your post.

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Not only will this strengthen the sense of community on your Instagram account, but it will also provide positive indicators for the Instagram algorithm — which will lead to more exposure for your post.

Another great call-to-action that will boost your post with the Instagram algorithm is to ask your followers to tag their friends in the comment section of your post.

This can be as simple as saying: "Tag a friend who needs to hear this!", or "Tag someone that would wear this!".

If you're planning on running an Instagram contest, it's a good idea to include "contest" or "giveaway" at the beginning of your caption to really capture your followers' attention!

You can also use call-to-actions to encourage your audience to visit your website or purchase a product.

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