Customize Your App - Quick Tutorial Videos

Customize App Screens

Join Frankie to learn more. Apple/Google + Orda allows you to upload full branded app screens. This is a huge factor in whether a customer will want to download your app. It's the first glance at what your app will look like.

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Customize Product Photos

Join Frankie to learn more. One of the most important aspects to make your app look professional is your product photos. It's now easier than ever to create professional-looking product photos. Here's what we recommend.

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Customize Mobile Ordering Color

Join Frankie @ Orda to leadr more about Mobile Ordering Color - Orda allows you to set your brand colors to match your app. Head over to your dashboard, Copy your HEX color and paste or choose something close

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Customize Logo Banner

Join Frankie @ Orda to leadr more about how to keep your app fully branded Orda allows adding a header logo

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Customize App Welcome Screen

Join Frankie @ Orda to leadr more. Your story is unique and your customers want to know about it. You can present a welcome screen the first time your customers download your app

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